Our Story

How it all started...

In June 27, 1849, J. Wakefield, J. Ingraham, W. O. Thomas, E.  Barrows, J. Kellock, E. Payson, and J. Shepard met at Moses Keller's  house to organize a church.
Winthrope O. Thomas was the first pastor. The construction was started in 1852 and the dedication was held January 19, 1853. Rev. W. O.  Thomas spoke from 1 Kings 6:7.
During the early days the church usually shared a pastor with another community. The pastor tended to change often, but on at least two occasions a pastor served a second term.
The church grew and by 1924 had 70 members. From 1900 to 1921 the  pastor was shared with Rockville. In 1924 the church began sharing a  pastor with the Rockport Baptist Church which lasted until 1975.
In 1975 Va1 Vigue became the first full time pastor. The church  began to grow and the baptismal tank was opened up for the first time in  many years. In 1977 Val Vigue left for Dallas Theological Seminary. Gil  Reed served for three years and left for the mission field in the  Philippines.
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In June of 1980 Rev. Val Vigue returned from Dallas and the church  grew spiritually and numerically. By 1985 we needed more space and a  building program was started to add the present Fellowship Hall and  sanctuary. In 1990 Rev. Vigue resigned.
Rev. Rick Lamarande became pastor in 1991 and resigned in 1993.

Expanding the vision...

In April of 1993 the church called Rev. Dell Hyssong Jr. as pastor.  The church began to grow. The new auditorium was finished. Bathrooms  were added on the main floor and a new Allen organ and Yamaha Grand piano were purchased. In 1998 the building and instruments were paid in full. In 2002 Pastor Hyssong left to take on a camp and music ministry.
Rev. Harold Carpenter served as interim for ten months until Rev. Don Lough became pastor  in January 2003. Pastor Lough passed away unexpectedly December 14,  2003 after only eleven months as our Pastor. Pastor Lough  enthusiastically initiated various new ministries in the church which are doing well. Rev. Carpenter served again as interim until March 2005.

Where we are headed...

Dr. David J. English is  currently serving as pastor. He and his family came on Easter Sunday,  March 27, 2005. They came from Kalamazoo, Michigan where he  was Executive Pastor at Calvary Bible Church. The church has continued to grow spiritually and numerically.

West Rockport Baptist Church welcomed it's very first associate pastor, Jedidiah P. Grant, on November 7th, 2021.  He and his family come from Victoria Corner, New Brunswick where he previously served at Belleville Baptist Church as an assistant pastor.  Pastor Jed serves mainly among our young adults, youth, and children.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:40 am.